Natalia Jardon presenting at SIALNI3

October 6, 2023

Our post-doc researcher Natalia Jardon gave a talk at the 3rd International Symposium on Linguistic Aspects of Northwestern Iberia (SIALNI3) [III Simposio Internacional Aspectos Lingüísticos del Noroeste Ibérico] at the University of Salamanca (Spain).

SIALNI is an international symposium on Linguistic Aspects of the Iberian Northwest, with a focus on varieties of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, and Asturian-Leonese. It brings together insights from traditional dialectology in combination with new approaches, both theoretical and experimental.

Natalia's talk analyzed the syntactic configuration and semantic content of light verb constructions in Galician and asked how these can be examined through current psycholinguistic methods.

More information can be found on the conference's website:

