Relational Morphology: New Directions, Jenny Audring (Leiden University)
Jackendoff’s Parallel Architecture approach to language is laid out in a trio of books: Foundations of Language (Jackendoff 2002)1, Simpler Syntax (Culicover & Jackendoff 2005)2 and The Texture of the Lexicon (Jackendoff & Audring 2020)3. The third book focusses on morphology. It develops an approach known as “Relational Morphology”, named after the central role of relations within and between lexical items. Five years onwards, it is time to take stock and look how Relational Morphology has progressed – and where it should go from here. In this talk I present a selection of refinements to the model, as well as a number of open questions that should be on the agenda for the coming years.